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Solderland Bunnies image

Solderland Bunnies

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About Solderland Bunnies

Solderland Bunnies is a First Gamified NFT stake game. Our goal with this game is to create a truly quality NFT community and to enable other NFT projects and companies in the physical world to promote the game. That’s why we created a big planet for our Bunnies. Depending on the story we wrote, Bunnies work in the mines on the planet Solderland and earn rewards from the mines they work in. These rewards will be Solana, Solderland Token, NFT’s from other projects, whitelist spots for other projects, cash prizes from other projects, Cash prizes from Company’s, etc. In this way, we want all NFT projects to reach a real audience and for our holders to benefit from all projects in the ecosystem.

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