About Alien Peace Force
Bring peace to the galaxy with Alien Peace Force: Generation 1
Carbon-Neutral Digital Collectibles!
APF:G1 is a collection of 10,000 Alien NFTs on the Cardano Blockchain for earthlings. With each alien pack that is opened you get to abduct a free companion NFT and gain commercial rights to your alien.
Unwrap your packs at the spaceship door on July 11th.
APF is a generative art-piece, this is when the artist intentionally includes randomness as a part of the creative process. It creates an “appearance lottery”, where neither the collector nor the artist knows the exact outcome of your alien’s look before you buy one. There are 256 individual traits such as different eyes and mouths, that all have a chance of hitting, with some traits being more rare than others. Each piece is totally unique and can never be duplicated within our Smart Contract algorithm. Nobody will have an alien that’s quite like yours, guaranteed.
APF will be minted in ascending price tiers during public sale July 4th:
Tier 1 (501-2000) – 50 ADA
Tier 2 (2001-4000) – 75 ADA
Tier 3 (4001-6000) – 100 ADA
Tier 4 (6001-8000) – 150 ADA
Tier 5 (8001-10000) – 200 ADA
Built by Outfusion R&D and illustrated by Kevin Gardin